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Title: Difficulties Faced by EFL Students in Writing Composition at the Iraqi Preparatory Schools
Authors: Nataq Taha Abdul – Kareem
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: مجلة الفتح للبحوث التربوية والنفسية
Series/Report no.: 18;4
Abstract: The majority of EFL students face difficulties in writing composition which reflect negatively on their exam results . The researcher has noticed this problem and decided to trace the difficulties they face in order to put an end to them or at least to minimize them ; therefore , a questionnaire was designed and exposed to a jury of (12) specialists in EFLT . Then , the final version was distributed randomly to a sample from the fifth grade from four secondary schools in Baquba : (142) students from the scientific branch and (117) students from the literary branch . The data obtained were processed statistically . Then , the conclusions have been made on the basis of the findings , and the recommendations have been drawn . The research is of great use for EFL teachers especially for those who are novice .
ISSN: 1996-8752
Appears in Collections:مجلة الفتح / The Al-Fateh Journal for Educational and Psychological Research

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