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Title: Prediction the Experimental Data of CO2 and H2S Solubility in Ionic Liquids Using PR-EoS with Three Different Mixing Rules
Authors: Shagull M. Ali
Arkan J. Hadi
Shahla Z. Ahmad
Keywords: Solubility
Ionic Liquids
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2023
Publisher: University of Diyala – College of Engineering
Abstract: In this study, Peng-Robinson equations of state associated with three different mixing rules used to predict the experimental solubility data of two acid gases, carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide in seven ionic liquids. The solubility data were obtained from different literature in pressure range (0.119 – 65.2) bar and verity range of temperatures (298.2 – 353) K. Mixing rules, used the modified Van der Waal (MR1), the Quadratic (MR2) and the Wong Sandler (MR3). The ionic liquids critical properties were correlated by modified Lydersen-Joback-Reid technique. The Average Absolute Relative Deviation (%AARD) was applied to compare the experimental data and that obtained from the model. The evaluated critical properties give a very close result with the literature. The mathematical model in almost systems using the three mixing rule gives good agreement with experimental data only in H2S - ILs systems gives very high deviation from the experimental data when use MR3. Quadratic mixing rule (MR2) was the best comparing with MR1 and MR3, give the lowest range %AARD 0.9 to 21.
ISSN: 1999-8716
Appears in Collections:مجلة ديالى للعلوم الهندسية / Diyala Journal of Engineering Sciences (DJES)

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