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Title: The integration of Risk management and BIM to Manage the duration of construction projects
Authors: نور حيدر كاظم
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: جامعة ديالى
Abstract: ABSTRACT The special nature that characterizes construction projects in Iraq, the multiplicity of its stages from the idea stage to the end of the delivery stage, and the weakness in the application of risk management makes it vulnerable to many risks that have a unique impact on its basic objectives. The identification and management of risks in construction projects is an important approach to reduce their impact and increase the chances of success of the construction projects The research aims to identify the most important risk factors facing construction projects in Iraq, provide a tool based on the integration between risk management and BIM technology to manage the risks that effect the duration of construction projects, and help the project manager to understand the impact of risk management and taking measures for controlling the risks in construction projects. In order to achieve the research objectives, the literature and previous studies related to the topics of risk management and BIM technology were reviewed and selects one of the Iraqi projects as a case study for applying the idea of the research. After that, the researcher identifies and assesses the risks that face the construction projects by using qualitative and quantitative techniques represented by the VIII questionnaire, personal interviews, probability and impact matrix, Monte Carlo simulation. Finally conducting the integration between risk management and BIM through using tools provided by the BIM technique (Autodesk Revit 2020, Navis work manage2020) that helps for achieving the research objectives The study diagnosed 48 risk factors that represent the most common risks in construction projects in Iraq, and reached a predictive model for risks by adopting two scenarios for the likelihood of risk occurrence and its impact on construction projects. From the approved scenarios comparison, the probabilistic percentage for completing the project was 109% of the planned percentage of project completion, and for the pessimistic scenario the probabilistic percentage of project completion was 334% and 774% for (case 1) and (case 2), respectively. The integration between risk management and BIM technology is a simulation of a 4D building model that visuals the effect of risks on project progress and shows the delayed activities and allows the comparison between the planned and actual project progress in a visual format.
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