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dc.contributor.authorGhzwan Ghanim Jumah-
dc.description.abstractThis work deals with investigating the capacity of high strength columns, under axial compression loads. A total of nine circular column with 600 mm length and 150 mm outer diameter were tested, three of them were solid as a reference, the remaining six columns were with internal hole of 50 and 75 mm dimeter. The effect of hole size as well as area of longitudinal steel reinforcement was studied. Area of steel used where 0, 301 and 471 mm2 and two hole size were 50 and 75 mm. The results showed that the increasing of longitudinal reinforcement ratio from 0 % (plain) to 2.67% (steel reinforcement area of 471 mm2) for solid column cause an increase in the ultimate strength by 33.6%, while for hollow columns with 75 mm internal hole the ultimate strength increased up to 33.2 %. Increase in hole dimeter from 50 to 75 mm caused a reduction of columns capacity in all cause, the decrease was up 33 % for columns with 301 mm2 steel area was up to 32 %, for columns with 417 mm2en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Diyala – College of Engineeringen_US
dc.subjectCircular Columnen_US
dc.subjectShort Column,en_US
dc.subjectHigh Strength Concrete,en_US
dc.subjectHollow Columnen_US
dc.subjectSteel Reinforcement Ratioen_US
dc.titleBehavior of High Strength Reinforced Concrete Hollow Circular Short Columns under Axial Loadsen_US
Appears in Collections:مجلة ديالى للعلوم الهندسية / Diyala Journal of Engineering Sciences (DJES)

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