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Issue Date: ديس-2011
Publisher: University of Diyala / College of Agriculture
Series/Report no.: Vol. 3;No. 2
Abstract: This study aimed to identify the impact of the properties of ranchers on the degree of spread of some new practices in the field of livestock, as well as identify the rate applied to these practices of these educators and the various sources through which dissemination of such practices as well as learn how punctual they are in the application and the problems they face In this application, and also to identify the proportion of interpretation Almtgierat independent study of the variance in the dependent variable, The study was conducted in Anbar province, were selected (Karma Ark AlbuNimr him rotor) and in the presence of the extension centers. 121 educators have been randomly selected from lists of breeders. Study data were collected through personal interviews using the questionnaire, and used in the statistical analysis of data for each of the simple correlation coefficient and coefficient of multiple regression was also used in the presentation of descriptive results frequency distribution and percentages. The result showed the presence of correlation relations between the variable degree of familiarity with the ideas of technology as a dependent variable and independent variables between the study as follows: 1-A positive correlation relations at the level of potential Almtgierat (p<0.01) with the following: the educational level of farmers, the degree of media exposure, and the degree of leadership, level of forward-looking, and the degree of the pursuit of technological ideas, the level of knowledge in the field of animal husbandry. 2- Artbatitin two relations at (p<0.05) the first positive potential with a variable capacity possessory land and the other is negative with a variable age. The results of the study showed the absence of relational ties with the following variables: organizational membership, tenure and size of animal, degree of openness and geographical location. As it turns out that the independent variables relations with connectivity with the variable of the study explain approximately 38% of the variance in the dependent variable and also shows that more ideas for technological hear about is the vaccination of cattle against infectious diseases as they were the most application and a continuation of the application made by educators respondents (100%) followed by the idea of publicity milking robot by 91.7% despite the lack of implementation by educators, either the idea of artificial insemination Veuaha rate reached 87.6% and 17.36% and the application rate to continue in the application of 3.31% and the idea of early weaning was less ideas publicized (16.5%) and applied 8.26% and continue to apply 6.61%. The study showed that the main sources of four of the diffusion of innovations in descending order are the neighbors and then the unit of veterinary and agricultural extension, including extension publications, followed by radio and television, The study also showed there are seven problems in the application of the practice of vaccination and two problems in the application of the practice of artificial insemination and three problems in the application of each of the exercise Automated milking and early weaning
ISSN: ISSN: 2310-8746 (Online)
ISSN: 2073-9524 (Print)
Appears in Collections:مجلة ديالى للعلوم الزراعية / Diyala Agricultural Sciences Journal (DASJ)

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