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Title: Evaluation of Reuse of Demolition and Construction Waste in Geotechnical Engineering Works with A Case Study: Mosul City (Review)‎
Authors: Mohammed Abdulnafaa
Ayman W. Aldabag
Hanan H. Alghyat
Keywords: Construction And Demolition Waste
Soil Properties Improvement
Mosul City
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: University of Diyala – College of Engineering
Abstract: Demolition and construction waste are among the topics that focus by many researchers. The ‎methods of reuse of waste materials must reduce the economic and environmental pressure of their ‎presence in various regions. Before 2014, the city of Mosul contained relatively small quantities of ‎demolition and construction debris, especially concrete rubble, asphalt materials, and bricks (they formed ‎approximately 80% of the construction and demolition debris). These materials increased very greatly ‎after the liberation operations and the widespread destruction of large parts of the city and became a great ‎problem in the reconstruction operations. There is no clear plan yet in the city to deal with this debris, and it ‎is disposed of by moving them to another place or burying them randomly when rebuilding the destroyed ‎parts. This study shows to deal with demolition and construction debris in Mosul after liberation and during ‎reconstruction operations. Also, many sources and data dealing with the re-use of demolition and ‎construction debris in the field of geotechnical engineering for operations to improve the engineering ‎properties of soils are presented. Many papers show the possibility of using construction and demolition waste as an alternative base or sub-base materials, fill for embankments, or increase durability and reduce the swelling ‎and plasticity ‎of clay. The study concludes that the researches and data can be used to deal with ‎the rubble of demolition and construction in Mosul in a way that enables to benefit from it economically ‎and environmentally.‎
ISSN: 1999-8716
Appears in Collections:مجلة ديالى للعلوم الهندسية / Diyala Journal of Engineering Sciences (DJES)

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