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Title: Efficient Solutions for Multi-criteria Sequencing Problem by Using Modified Algorithm
Keywords: Sequencing Multi-criteria, Efficient Solution, onemachine, Pareto optimal Solution.
Issue Date: 1-أبر-2024
Publisher: University of Diyala
Abstract: For multi criteria sequencing problem on one machine, we proposea modified branch and bound algorithm (MBAB) to find efficient(pareto optimal) solutions in this paper. The criteria are total completion time (∑𝐶𝑗), total lateness(∑𝐿𝑗), and maximum tardiness (Tmax). A collection of n independent tasks(jobs) has to be sequenced on one machine , tasks(jobs)j (j=1,2,3,.....,n) requires processing time Pjand due data dj. The MBAB algorithm depends on branch and bound technique. Applied examples are used to show applicabilityof MBAB algorithm. The MBAB algorithm is compared with complete enumeration method (CEM). Conclusions are formulated on the performance of the (MBAB) algorithm
ISSN: 2958-4612
Appears in Collections:مجلة ديالى للعلوم الاكاديمية / Academic Science Journal (Acad. Sci. J.)

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