مجلة ديالى للعلوم البيطرية / Diyala Journal for Veterinary Sciences (DJVS) Collection home page

Diyala Journal for Veterinary Sciences (DJVS), is a quarterly open access , double blind peer review journal registered under ISSN -print (2410-8863)and ISSN-Online (2958-6178) .DJVS publish a recent advance veterinary studies in both basic and clinical aspects that substantially enhance understanding of disease epidemiology, etiology, pathophysiology; the development of prognostic and diagnostic technologies; trials that test the efficacy of specific interventions and those that compare different treatments; and systematic reviews in veterinary medicine and zoonoses.

DJVS aims to promote the translation of veterinary basic research into clinical investigations, and of clinical evidence into practice. DJVS publish studies in animal models when they report outstanding research findings that are highly clinically relevant to human. DJVS's audience is both the national and international veterinary community as well as educators, and interested members of the public in Iraq and around the world. DJVS publishes veterinary Informatics, Basic Science, Clinical Science, Case reports, Brief Communication, Public Health, and Review Article from all fields of Veterinary medicine and related fields.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 94
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024-12-01Modulation of Immune system by Oral Administration Pathogenic Escherichia coli Isolated from Cow MastitisZuhier Moqkbel Oleiwi
2024-12-01Toxicity of Highdoses of Copper, Zinc And Vitamin D in Rats’ BrainGhaith Z. Hassan AL-Askari
2024-12-01The Activity of Eucalyptus Leaves Extract against some Bacteria isolated from Cattle Minced Meat in Diyala ProvinceMustafa Hamdan Mahmood
2024-12-01Ceftiofur as an Intrauterine Therapy in Treating Endometritis in CowsSarah Jasim Abdulameer
2024-12-01A Comparative Analysis of the Conventional Versus Molecular Detec-tion of Salmonella spp. Infection, with Particular Emphasis on the His-topathologic Changes Observed in Layer HensSameer Shawket Hameed
2024-12-01Histological study for the development of Humerus and Femoral Bones in pre-hatched Embryos of Racing Pigeons and Japanese QuailIftikhar Mohammed Abdul Karim
2024-12-01Evaluation of Anti-bacterial Activity of Gold Nanoparticles in-vitroMohammed Abbas Farman
2024-12-01Study the Efficacy of Mono and Combination Therapy of Amoxicillin and Levofloxacin against S.aureus causing Respiratory Tract Infection in RabbitsAbdulwahhab Abed Khalifa
2024-12-01Developmental study of small intestine in local chicken (pre hatch) (gulls gulls domesticate )Ban Hamza Abd
2024-12-01Histological and Histochemical study of Lungs in Domestic Rabbits (Oryctolagus Cuniculus)Masarat S. Al mayahi
2024-09-01Distribution and Elimination of the Third Generation Cephalosporins in Dogs: A Comparative StudyA. Al-Jumaili, Mustafa
2024-09-01Preliminary Immunization Study of Hyalomma Spp . In Local Breed Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus)Mohammed Jawad, Mazin
2024-09-01Ameliorative Role of Nigella Sativa Seeds and Levamisole on the Immune Response of Adult Male RabbitsAbdulhameed Kadhim, Rusul
2024-09-01Isolation and Identification of Klebsiella pneumoniae causing Urinary Tract Infection and Histopathological Changes of the Bladder and Kidney in Slaughtered CattleTalib Ali, Ashwaq
2024-09-01Morphometric Comparative Study of the Pancreas between the Owl Bird and the Moorhen BirdAssim Farhan, Noor
2024-09-01Subclinical Endometritis: Fungal identification and treatment of conception failure in CowsYousif Mahmood, Mohammad
2024-08-01Histopathological Effect of Pecan Oil (Carya illinoinensis) against Ibuprofen induced Kidney Injury in Local Male RabbitsAbed Mahmood, Mohammed
2024-09-01Hormonal Treatments For The Retained Placenta in Iraqi CowsIbrahim Ali, Hiba
2024-09-01Bacteriological Finding, Vaginal Discharges, and Endometrial Cytology for Endometritis Detection in Postpartum BuffaloesNoori Mohammed, Salah
2024-09-01The Toxic Effects on Lung Tissues in Albino Male Rabbits infected by Klebsiella pneumoniaYasseen Abbas, Hiba
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 94