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Title: Biostratigraphy succession Jurassic Rock in well (K.H.9l7), western desert Iraq
Authors: لؤي سمیر الدجیلي
Keywords: Biostratigraphy, Jurassic Age, Najmah formation and Amiji Formation, Foraminifera fossils, Algae, fossils.
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: university of Diyala
Abstract: This study deals with the lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy and chronstratigraphy of the rock units, which belong to the Jurassic period (Najmah and Amij formations) in the (K.H. 9/7) western desert Iraq. Depending on the assemblages of different groups foraminifera and algae in Najmah Fn., one biozone has been distinguished (Haurania sp.- Pfenderina sp.- Kurnubia palastiniensis Assemblage Zone) and Amij Fn. the rare Assemblage foraminifera and algae, no biozone.The Suggest age of Najmah Formation Middle-Late Jurassic (BathonianKimmeridgian) and Amij Formation Early Jurassic (Liassic).
ISSN: 2222-8373
Appears in Collections:مجلة ديالى للعلوم الاكاديمية / Academic Science Journal (Acad. Sci. J.)

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